PremierMAI2020 – Faites le travail

1 May 2020 at 12:30 (EDT)

PremierMAI2020 – Faites le travail

Labour is both abused and recognised in new ways during the current lockdown. On this 1st of May 2020, we are organising a talk show to present and discuss proposals for reorganising the world of work, so that the post-Covid-19 doesn’t simply mean “back to normal”. From 6.15 pm, log on to the Facebook page of this event to follow the broadcast of the programme. The live event will also be available via this link. Don’t forget to sign up as “interested” to be kept informed of the latest details.

With Dominique Méda, Pavlina Tcherneva, Isabelle Ferreras, Benoît Borrits, Florence Jany-Catrice and Emmanuel Dockès, it will be a question of tipping our societies into ecological reconversion, guaranteeing access to employment, democratising the firm, setting up a social investment fund, making better use of socially useful jobs, reducing working hours…
An evening hosted by Isabelle Masson-Loodts and Julien Charles, which will end in style with Paul Hermant.

An initiative of CESEP, the TED-Cridis-UCLouvain group and the Fédération des Services Sociaux – FDSS, in partnership with CRIMT and its Partnership Project on Institutional Experimentation and Better Work, Actrices & Acteurs des temps présents, Éconosphères, FEC Formation Education Culture, Smart Belgique, Propage-s, MOC Brabant wallon, POUR and the Fédération des maisons médicales.