Since the beginning of spring, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought with it its share of questions and uncertainties. It is in this context that the Work Manifesto was born. A collective endeavour articulated around three axes: democratizing firms, decommodifying work and cleaning up the planet, the Manifesto (first published in the form of a tribune in the media) is an initiative of three researchers: Julie Battilana, Isabelle Ferreras and Dominique Méda, two of whom are members of the CRIMT Partnership Project. They were later joined by a collective of women authors who contributed to the book Le manifeste travail. Démocratiser, démarchandiser, dépolluer, recently published by Le Seuil. An English version of the book is in the works.
The CRIMT Partnership Project, in collaboration with the Karl Polanyi Institute and the Industry 4.0, Work and Employment Axis of the International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital Technology, recently held two webinars (a first in French, on November 17, and a second in English, on November 18) bringing together, under the chairmanship of Margie Mendell (Université Concordia) and Gregor Murray (Université de Montréal), some of the Manifesto’s authors (Julie Battilana – Harvard University, Adelle Blackett – LLDRL-Université McGill, Isabelle Ferreras – CriDIS-UCLouvain et Dominique Méda – IRISSO-Université Paris Dauphine), as well as labour market stakeholders (Nil Ataogul – TUAC, Pierre-Antoine Harvey – CSQ, Andrew Jackson – Broadbent Institute, Esteban Kelly – U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives, Josée Lamoureux – CSN, Lana Payne – UNIFOR, Jim Stanford – Centre for Future Work, Jonathan Vallée-Payette – FTQ) to discuss the scope of the Manifesto and some of the innovative proposals it contains.
Please click here to read the biographies of the November 17 participants (In French] and here for the November 18 ones.
Both events have been recorded and are now available on our YouTube channel. Whether you are looking for new avenues or solutions to the pandemic or simply passionate about the world of work, these webinars will give you something to think about.
Please consult the multimedia section of this site for a contextualization of each of the two recordings.