The Editors and Editorial Committee of Transfer invite submissions for the Transfer Young Scholar Award 2022. Young scholars not yet awarded a PhD who are working on issues relevant to current challenges in the world of work, social policy, industrial organisation, and labour market developments in Europe are encouraged to submit their original research for publication in Transfer, no later than 31 January 2022. The best submission will be published in the 4th issue of Transfer in 2022 and ahead of print via OnlineFirst.
Transfer is committed to helping young scholars get published and find broader readership for their work. The applicants will receive support and advice throughout the refereeing process, support with language editing, and the opportunity to promote their research through different platforms of which Transfer is a partner.
Transfer is the quarterly peer-reviewed journal of the Research Department of the European Trade Union Institute, one of CRIMT’s partner in its Institutional Experimentation for Better Work Partnership Project.
Transfer’s Impact Factor from SSCI in 2020 was 2.367 and the journal was ranked 9th out of 30 journals in the Industrial Relations JCR. Transfer’s aim is to stimulate dialogue between the European trade union movement and the academic and research community. It contributes research findings on issues of strategic relevance for trade unions, in particular with regard to developments at the European level.
Submission and referee procedure
Articles submitted for the Young Scholar Award should be sent to the managing editor Marina Luttrell. Papers should preferably be written in English and should not have been published already, nor be currently under consideration elsewhere. Submissions in French and German will also be considered (and, if accepted for publication, will be translated into English). If the submission has been translated from another language, it should be accompanied by the original. Research should be presented in a non-technical manner that is accessible to a wide audience. As all articles are refereed anonymously, please attach a separate page with your name, affiliation, short author biography, email and postal address. Articles should be between 5000 and 8000 words including notes, references and tables and must be accompanied with an abstract of no more than 150 words and up to 8 keywords. For full details see the Transfer website.