Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research
Making Work Better
Volume 29 Issue 3, August 2023
We are pleased to inform you about the release of a special issue of Transfert focusing on better work. The invited editors for this special issue are Dalia Gesualdi-Fecteau, Christian Lévesque, Gregor Murray, and Nicolas Roby.
From the premise that better work makes for better societies, the challenge, taken up in this special issue of Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, is to explore what makes work better, or worse, and how it can be improved. As a wide variety of experiments shape our economies and communities for the future, a key challenge is to engage in shared learning about these processes in order to stimulate a dialogue between the aspiration for better work and the conditions likely to hinder or facilitate making work better. It is an invitation to move from narrow conceptions of job quality to a broader lens of how world-of-work actors strategise, innovate and incorporate uncertainty into their search for sustainable solutions for better work.
This special issue offers free or open access to several articles. To view them, click on the link below. The complete issue can also be found at the provided address.