Over the past few decades, significant changes have been disrupting the world of work: digital technologies, the breakdown of corporate boundaries, the reshaping of global supply chains, climate change, global pandemic outbreaks, shifts in identities and values, political unrest, resurgence of geopolitical tensions, and changes in public policy, to name only a few.
Such changes are having widespread and profound effects, which in a lot of cases seem out of synch with the aspirations for better work, by which we mean productive, innovative, healthy and inclusive work, in which individuals live free from excessive insecurity, unaccountable control over their working lives, conflicts between personal and professional life, and can express their voice individually and collectively. These effects are not conducive to achieving better, more just, peaceful, sustainable, open and democratic societies.
However, these disruptions also open the way to various forms of experimentation, reflecting the resilience and mobilization of actors in the world of work. The challenge is to describe, analyze and compare these experimentations – including those conducted in response to the major challenges of our time (for example, geopolitical tensions, Covid-19 or the climate crisis) – in order to better understand how certain actors or groups of actors are able to appropriate, mobilize and transform institutions of regulation in favour of an improvement (or deterioration) in the quality of work, or the societies in which these experimentations are carried out. We need to draw lessons from these experiences.
It is with that in mind that the CRIMT International Partnership Project on Institutional Experimentation for Better Work, which brings together the Interuniversity Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT) and an international network of associated partner centres and researchers, hosts a conference on BETTER WORK FOR A BETTER SOCIETY: Actor Resilience and the Power of Experimentation.
This conference will take place at HEC Montréal (Montreal, Canada) from Thursday, October 27th to Saturday, October 29th 2022. The conference will be held in person and will include a hybrid component to encourage some level of remote participation. However, should the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic lead to a tightening of health guidelines, the conference will then be entirely online.
For any questions regarding the organization of this conference, please contact Francine Jacques (francine.jacques@rlt.ulaval.ca), CRIMT Projects Coordinator or Nicolas Roby (nicolas.roby@umontreal.ca), CRIMT Scientific Coordinator.