Journal articles

Rothstein, Sidney A. & T. Schulze-Cleven2020Beyond Stability: Rethinking Germany’s Political EconomyGerman Politics293289-296
Rothstein, Sidney A. & T. Schulze-Cleven2020Germany After the Social Democratic Century: The Political Economy of ImbalanceGerman Politics293297-318
Müller-Jentsch, Walther, B. Rehder, S.A. Rothstein & T. Schulze-Cleven2020Debating Lessons From Germany After the Social Democratic CenturyGerman Politics293522-543
Schulze-Cleven, Tobias2018A Continent in Crisis: European Labor and the Fate of Social DemocracyLabor Studies Journal 43146-73
Schulze-Cleven, Tobias2017German Labor Relations in International Perspective: A Model ReconsideredGerman Politics & Society354
Schulze-Cleven, Tobias2017Collective Action and Globalization: Building and Mobilizing Labour PowerJournal of Industrial Relations594397-419
Schulze-Cleven, Tobias, G. Herrigel, N. Lichtenstein & G. Seidman2017Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries: Leveraging Complementary Perspectives on Global LabourJournal of Industrial Relations594510-537
Fudge, Judy2019(Re) Conceptualizing Unfree Labour: Local Labour Control Regimes and Constraints on Workers’ FreedomsGlobal Labour Journal102108-122
McCann, Deidre& J. Fudge2019A Strategic Approach to Regulating Unacceptable Forms of WorkJournal of Law and Society462271-301
Fudge, Judy2019Why Labour Lawyers Should Care About the Modern Slavery Act 2015King's Law Journal293377-406
Fudge, Judy2018Illegal Working, Migrants and Labour Exploitation in the UKOxford Journal of Legal Studies383557-584
Fudge, Judy2018Modern Slavery, Unfree Labour and the Labour Market: The Social Dynamics of Legal CharacterizationSocial and Legal Studies274413-434
Frans, Dorien, N. Doerflinger & V. Pulignano 2019Occupational Welfare and Segmentation: Explaining Across (and Within) Sectoral Variation in Germany and BelgiumZeitschrift für Sozialreform ZSR Journal of Social Policy Research653 215-242
Murgia, Annalisa & V. Pulignano 2019Neither Precarious Nor Entrepreneur: The Subjective Experience of Hybrid Self-employed WorkersEconomic and Industrial Democracy
Doerflinger, Nadja, V. Pulignano & M. Lukac2019The Social Configuration of Labour Market Divides: An Across- and Within- Country Analysis in Germany, Belgium and Italy European Journal of Industrial Relations261
Lukac, Martin, N. Doerflinger & V. Pulignano 2019Developing a Cross-National Comparative Framework for Studying Labour Market Segmentation: Measurement Equivalence With Latent Class AnalysisSocial Indicator Research1451233-255
Pulignano, Valeria & J. Waddington 2019Management, European Works Councils and Institutional MalleabilityEuropean Journal of Industrial Relations2615-21
Pulignano, Valeria & C. Marà2020Work Disruption in a Context of Pandemics: Social Bonds and the ‘Crisis Society’The European Sociologist
Pulignano, Valeria2019Work and Employment Under the Gig EconomyPartecipazione e Conflitto
Dubois, Louis-Etienne & J. WeststarGames-as-a-Service: Conflicted Identities on the New Front Line of Video Game DevelopmentNew Media and Society
Weststar, Johanna & L.-E. DuboisFrom Crunch to Grind: Adopting a Servitization Model Within Extreme Working Time RegimesWork, Employment & Society
Weststar, Johanna & M.-J. Legault2019Building Momentum for Collectivity in the Digital Games CommunityTelevision and New Media208848-861
Legault, Marie-Josée & J. Weststar2017Videogame Developers Among ‘Extreme Workers’: Are Death Marches Over?E-journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies63
Weststar, Johanna & M.-J. Legault2017Why Might a Video Game Developer Join a Union?Labor Studies Journal424295-321
Barbier, Pascal, B. Fusulier & J. Landour (dir.)2020Sous le prisme de l'articulation des temporalités socialesLes Politiques Sociales3-4
Murray, Gregor, C. Levesque, G. Morgan & N. Roby2020Disruption and Re-Regulation in Work and Employment: From Organisational to Institutional ExperimentationTransfer: European Review of Labor and Research262135-156
Morgan, Glenn & V. Pulignano2020Solidarity at Work: Concepts, Levels and ChallengesWork, Employment & Society34118-34
Connolly, Heather2020We Just Get a Bit Set in Our Ways’: Renewing Democracy and Solidarity in UK Trade UnionsTransfer: European Review of Labour and Research262207-222
Almond, Phil & H. Connolly2020A Manifesto for ‘Slow’ Comparative Research on Work and Employment’European Journal of Industrial Relations26159-74
Genin, Émilie, M. Laroche & G. Marchadour2020Gender Equality in the Workplace in Quebec: Strategic Priority for Employers or Partial Response to Institutional Pressures?Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal
Cyr, Alexandra, É. Genin, C. Rossignol & G. Vallée2019Les droits de direction et l’obligation de disponibilité des salariés au-delà de leur temps de travail : l’exemple du travail infirmierRevue Juridique Thémis532267-322
Genin, Émilie2018Le débordement du travail sur le temps personnel des cadres françaisRelations industrielles / Industrial Relations724658-681
Genin, Émilie2017Au croisement du genre et de la parentalité : le plafond de mère chez les femmes qualifiéesCahiers de recherche sociologique6325-42
Barré, PhilippeExpressivité, inconstance et usure du travail d’artiste-interprète en danse à MontréalCahiers de recherche sociologique
Dupuis, Mathieu, G. Murray & M. WuContesting Technological Determinism on Skills and Work: Institutions, Actor Strategies and Experimentation in the Auto Services SectorNew Technology, Work, and Employment
Dupuis, Mathieu, J. Peters & P. Scrimger 2020Financialization and Union Decline in Canada: The Influence of Sectors and Core IndustriesCompetition and Change243268-290
Dupuis, Mathieu2020Construire des mobilisations face aux restructurations d’entreprises : Une comparaison du pouvoir syndical local en France et au CanadaRelations industrielles / Industrial Relations753449-472
Dupuis, Mathieu2020How Do Local Union Strategize About Multinational Restructuring? Some Insights From FranceEconomic and Industrial Democracy41151-72
Macdonald, Ian & M. Dupuis2018Managing Workers’ Capital? Limits and Contradictions of Labour Investment FundsEconomic and Industrial Democracy
Dupuis, Mathieu2018Crafting Alternatives to Corporate Restructuring: Politics, Institutions, and Union Power in France and CanadaEuropean Journal of Industrial Relations24139-54
Dupuis, Mathieu2017International and Comparative Employment Relations: Assessing the Global, National and Local Level Contributions to the FieldEmployee Responsibilities and Rights Journal293151-157
Boivin, Louise, C. Vincent & S. Béroud2017Une grève pionnière de salariées précaires dans les services privés d’hébergement pour personnes âgéesChronique internationale de l'IRES15753-65
Boivin, Louise2017La représentation collective au travail en contexte d’externalisation des services publics d’aide à domicile au QuébecRelations industrielles / Industrial Relations723501-523
Barton, Ruth, É. Béthoux, C. Dupuy, A. Ilsøe, P. Jalette, M. Laroche, S.E. Navrbjerg & T. LarsenUnderstanding the Dynamics of Inequity in Collective Bargaining: Comparative Examples From Australia, Canada, Denmark and FranceTransfer: European Review of Labour and Research
Jalette, Patrice, F. Lauzon-Duguay & M. Laroche2020Time Is on Whose Side? Determining the Duration of Collective Agreements in a Decentralized Collective Bargaining SystemJournal of Industrial Relations625758-783
Laroche, Mélanie, P. Jalette & F. Lauzon-Duguay2019Les disparités de traitement entre nouveaux et anciens employés : institutionnalisation et évolution des inégalités dans les conventions collectives au QuébecTerrains et travaux3545-67
Laroche, Mélanie, F. Lauzon-Duguay & P. Jalette2018When Collective Bargaining Leads to Inequality : Determinants of Two-Tier Provisions in Canadian Collective AgreementsIndustrial and Labour Relations Review724871-896
Laroche, Mélanie & M. Dufour-Poirier2017Revitalizing Union Representation Through Labor Education Initiatives: A Close Examination of Two Trade Unions in QuebecLabor Studies Journal42299-123
Dhakal, Subas, A. Nankervis, J. Connell, S. Fitzgerald & J. Burgess2017Attracting and Retaining Personal Care Assistants Into the Western Australia (Wa) Residential Aged Care SectorLabour & Industry274333-349
Dhakal, Subas, A. Nankervis, J. Connell & J. Burgess2020Challenges of Caring for the Aged: Attracting and Retaining Aged Care Assistants in Western AustraliaAustralian Journal of Ageing
Barraud de Lagerie P., A. Mias, C. Phé & L. Servel 2020L’accord d’entreprise mondial, instrument de politiques pour les groupes transnationauxLa Revue de l’IRES101-10261-82
Charles, Julien, I. Ferreras & A. Lamine2020A Freelancers Cooperative as a Democratic Institutional Experimentation for Better Work. Case Study of Smart-BelgiumTransfer : European Review of Labour and Research262157-174
Kollmeyer, Christopher & J. Peters2018Financialization and the Decline of Organized Labour: A Study of 18 Advanced Capitalist Countries, 1970-2012Social Forces9811-30
Poblete, Lorena2021Decent Work for Domestic Workers in Argentina. Institutional Innovations Within the Same FrameworkJournal of Labor and Society
Poblete, Lorena2020Formalisation as a Judicial Claim. the Case of Paid Domestic Workers in ArgentinaCidades, Comunidades e Territórios4033-46
Poblete, Lorena2018The Influence of the ILO Domestic Workers Convention in Argentina, Chile and ParaguayInternational Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations342177-201
Poblete, Lorena2018The Ilo Domestic Workers Convention and Regulatory Reforms in Argentina, Chile and Paraguay. A Comparative Study of Working Time and Remuneration RegulationsInternational Labour Review1573435-459
Coiquaud, Urwana & I. Martin2020Access to Justice for Gig Workers: Contrasting Answers from Canadian and American CourtsRelations industrielles / Industrial Relations753582-593
Coiquaud, Urwana & I. Martin2019Accès à la justice des travailleurs de plateformes : réponses contrastées des tribunaux canadiens et américainsRelations industrielles / Industrial Relations743577-588
Villanueva, Francisco, M. Dufour-Poirier & I. MartinL’Accord de coopération dans le domaine Canada-Pérou : un accord avec un corps conditionnel et un esprit promotionnel?Revue juridique Thémis
Martin, Isabelle2018The Use of Transnational Labour Law in Steering Socially Responsible Corporate Governance Toward Increased Workers ProtectionCanadian Journal of Law & Society/Revue canadienne Droit et Société,332159-176
Martin, Isabelle & M. Choko 2018The Minimum Wage as a Matter of Tangible Human Dignity: A Comparative Constitutional Law AnalysisInternational Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations343231-255
Bosch, Gerhard & J. Schmitz-Kießler 2020Shaping Industry 4.0 – an Experimental Approach Developed by German Trade UnionsTransfer : European Review of Labour and Research262189-206
González Menéndez, Maria, P. Almond & G. Murray2018Regional Business Systems and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment in Canada, Spain and the UKRevista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas,1633-20
González-Menéndez, Maria, D. Luque Balbona, G. Pruneda & P. Almond2018Embedding Multinational Firms in Regional Business Systems: Neoliberal and Social-Democratic Models in SpainIndustrial Relations Journal49150-69
Almond, Phil, M. González Menéndez, J. Lavelle & G. Murray2017The Local in the Global: Regions, Employment Systems and MultinationalsIndustrial Relations Journal482115-132
Rutherford, Tod & L. Frangi 2019Acted Upon and Acted Through: Unions, Consent and Contestation Vis-a-Vis High Performance Work Systems in the Automobile IndustryEconomic and Industrial Democracy
Rutherford, Tod & L. FrangiNesting Industry 4.0 in High Performance Work Systems: Employment Relations Insights From the Southern Ontario Automotive Assembly SectorRelations industrielles / Industrial Relations
Hennebert, Marc-Antonin & M. Faulkner2020Are Strikes Still a Tool for Union Action? A Qualitative Investigation in the Private Sector in Quebec, CanadaEconomic and Industrial Democracy41173-97
Hennebert, Marc-Antonin & S. Pérez-Lauzon2019The Practice of Collective Bargaining in Quebec’s (Canada) Private Sector: The Changing “Rules of the Game”Industrial Relations Journal503240-255
Fortin-Bergeron, Chloé, M.-A. Hennebert & O. Doucet2018Comprendre la représentation syndicale au plan local : rôles perçus et ressources mobilisées par des dirigeants de syndicats locaux dans deux secteurs d’activités au QuébecRelations industrielles / Industrial relations742293-322
Bourque, Reynald, M.-A. Hennebert, C. Lévesque & G. Murray2018Do International Union Alliances Contribute to the Effectiveness of International Framework Agreements? A Comparative Study of Telefonica and Portugal TelecomEconomic and Industrial Democracy
Hennebert, Marc-Antonin, C. Lévesque, G. Murray & R. Bourque2018Firmes multinationales et droits syndicaux : la contribution des alliances syndicales internationales à l’effectivité des accords-cadres internationauxRelations industrielles / Industrial Relations734702-727
Lévesque, Christian, M.-A. Hennebert, G. Murray & R. Bourque2018Corporate Social Responsibility and Worker Rights: Institutionalizing Social Dialogue Through International Framework AgreementsJournal of Business Ethics1531215-230
Fortin-Bergeron, Chloé & M.-A. Hennebert2018The Role of Management and Trade Union Leadership on Dual Commitment: The Mediating Effect of the Workplace Relations ClimateHuman Resource Management Journal283462-478
Bilodeau, Pier-Luc2020L’aménagement du pluralisme syndical en droit du travail québécois : quel équilibre entre l’efficacité et la participation des salariés ?Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations753569-581
Bilodeau, Pier-LucPrécarité d’emploi et conflictualité : la mobilité provinciale des salariés de la construction au QuébecLabour / Le Travail
Villanueva, Francisco, M. Dufour-Poirier & I. Martin2020L’Accord de coopération dans le domaine Canada-Pérou : un accord avec un corps conditionnel ou un esprit promotionnel?Revue juridique Thémis543-599
Chaignot-Delage, Nicolas, M. Dufour-Poirier, C. Le Capitaine & F. D’Ortun2019Articuler performance économique et santé mentale des travailleurs : Le Réseau des délégués sociaux de la FTQ, un acteur agissant pour une meilleure prévention dans les milieux de travailRevue Ad Machina358-71
Laroche, Mélanie & M. Dufour-Poirier2017Revitalizing Union Representation Through Labor Education Initiatives: A Close Examination of Two Trade Unions in QuebecLabor Studies Journal42299-123
Martin, Isabelle, M. Dufour-Poirier & F. VillanuevaAgainst, Before or With Corporate Social Responsibility? Unions’ Perception and Mobilization of Non-State Regulation in Transnational Mining EnterprisesRegulation & Governance
Dufour-Poirier, MélanieBuilding North-South Trade Union Solidarity: Putting Collective Identities at StakeGlobal Labour Journal
Kamoun, Salima, M. Dufour-Poirier & C. Le CapitaineL’entraide syndicale au Québec : quel pouvoir d’agir des délégués sociaux de la FTQ ?Revue de psychosociologie
Degryse, Christophe2020De flexible à liquide : le travail dans l’économie de plateformeRelations industrielles / Industrial Relations754660-683
Cervellon, Marie-Cécile & P. Lirio2017When Employees Don’t ‘Like’ Their Employers on Social MediaMIT Sloan Management Review58263-70
Lirio, Pamela2017Global Boundary Work Tactics: Managing Work and Family Transitions in a 24-7 Global ContextCommunity Work & Family20172-91
Rubery, Jill, D. Grimshaw, A. Keizer & M. Johnson2018Challenges and Contradictions in the Normalising of Precarious WorkWork, Employment & Society323509-527
Refslund, Bjarke, K. Jaehrling, M. Johnson, A. Koukiadaki, T.P. Larsen & C. Schröder2020Moving in and Out of the Shadow of European Case Law - the Dynamics of Public Procurement in the Post-Post-Rüffert EraJournal of Common Market Studies5851165-1181
Johnson, Mathew, A. Koukiadaki & D. Grimshaw2019The Living Wage in the UK: Testing the Limits of Soft Regulation?Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research253319-333
Mustchin, Stephen & L. Miguel Martinez 2020The Evolving Nature of Labour Inspection, Enforcement of Employment Rights and the Regulatory Reach of the State in BritainJournal of Industrial Relations625735-757
Whittall, Michael, L. Miguel Martinez, S. Mustchin, F. Rocha & V. Telljohann2017Workplace Trade Union Engagement With European Works Councils and Transnational Agreements: The Case of Volkswagen EuropeEuropean Journal of Industrial Relations234397-414
Rubery, Jill & A. Koukiadaki2018Institutional Interactions in Gender Pay Equity: A Call for Inclusive, Equal and Transparent Labour MarketsUniversity of Oxford Human Rights Hub Journal1115-142
Grimshaw, Damian, J. Cartwright, A. Keizer & J. Rubery2019Market Exposure and the Labour Process: The Contradictory Dynamics in Managing Subcontracted Services Work’Work, Employment & Society33176-95
Howcroft, Debra & J. Rubery2019Bias in, Bias Out: Gender Equality and the Future of Work DebateLabour and Industry292213-227
Gesualdi-Fecteau, Dalia et al.2020Le droit social et du travail face à la COVID-19 : la situation au Québec (Canada)Droit Social9715-720
Gesualdi-Fecteau, Dalia & G. Vallée2017La mise en œuvre de la Loi sur les normes du travail : étude empirique d’un modèle singulier d’inspection du travailRevue d’études multidisciplinaires sur l’emploi, le syndicalisme et le travail – REMEST1114-31
Charles, Julien, I. Ferreras & A. Lamine2020A Freelancers’ Cooperative as a Case of Democratic Institutional Experimentation for Better Work: A Case Study of Smart-BelgiumTransfer: European Review of Labour and Research262157-174
Ferreras, Isabelle2018Le droit du travail parmi les droits civils et politiques ? Réflexions à propos de la participation des travailleurs au gouvernement de l’entrepriseRevue de Droit Comparé du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale/Journal of Comparative Labor Law and Social Security328-37
Pulignano, Valeria, N. Hammer & N. Doerflinger2020Explaining Employment Effects in Multipolar Value Chains: A Cross‐National Study on Soft Drinks and Dairy Manufacturing in EuropeBritish Journal of Industrial Relations
Hammer, Nikolaus & R. Plugor2019Disconnecting Labour? the Labour Process in the UK Fast Fashion Value ChainWork, Employment and Society336913-928
Yates, Charlotte & W. Lewchuk2017What Shapes Automotive Investment Decisions in the Contemporary Global Economy?Canadian Public Policy43S1S16-S29
Yates, Charlotte, B. Sweeney & G. Mordue2017Introduction: Public Policy and Canada’s Automotive IndustryCanadian Public Policy43S1Siii-Svi
Delaney, Annie & F. Macdonald 2018Thinking About Informality: Gender (in)Equality (in) Decent Work Across Geographic and Economic BoundariesLabour and Industry28299-114
Coles, Amanda, F. Macdonald & A. Delaney 2018Gender and Informality at Work – Theoretical Provocations: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Gender and InformalityLabour & Industry28293-98
Delaney, Annie, Y. Ng & V. Venugopal 2018Comparing Australian Garment and Childcare Homeworkers’ Experience of Regulation and RepresentationThe Economic and Labour Relations Review293346-364
Rennie, Sarah, T. Connor, A. Delaney & S. Marshall 2017Orchestration From Below? Trade Unions in the Global South, Transnational Business and Efforts to Orchestrate Continuous Improvement in Non-State Regulatory InitiativesUniversity of New South Wales Law Journal4031275-1309
Farhall, Kate, P. Fairbrother & M. Tyler2020Labour and Regional Transition: Addressing Sex Segregation, the Absence of Gender and the Valorising of MasculinityGender, Place and Culture
Cooper, Vanessa, P. Fairbrother, G. Elliott, M. Walker & H.-Y. Ch’ng 2020Shared Responsibility and Community Engagement: Community Narratives of Bushfire Risk Information in Victoria, AustraliaJournal of Rural Studies80259-272
Tyler, Meagan & P. Fairbrother 2018Gender, Households and Decision-Making for Wildfire SafetyDisasters424697-718
Fairbrother, Peter, M. Walker & R. Phillips2018Unions and Regional Governance: The Case of North West Tasmania, AustraliaRegional Studies Journal52111502-1511
Fairbrother, Peter2017When Politics Meets Economic Complexity: Doing Things Differently in the Gippsland RegionAustralasian Journal of Regional Studies233400-420
Cairns, George, G. Wright, P. Fairbrother & R. Phillips2017”Branching Scenarios” Seeking Articulated Action for Regional Regeneration - a Case Study of Limited SuccessTechnological Forecasting and Social Change124189-202
De Spiegelaere, Stan2020Transnational Union Action at RyanairTransfer: European Review of Labour and Research262229-233
Morris, Jonathan, J. Jenkins & J. Donaghey2020Uneven Development, Uneven Response: The Relentless Search for Meaningful Regulation of Global Value ChainsBritish Journal of Industrial Relations
Jenkins, Jean2020Struggle in the Garment SectorTheory and Struggle: Journal of the Marx Memorial Library12168-77
Pandeli, Jenna, M. Marinetto, & J. Jenkins2019Captive in Cycles of Invisibility? Prisoners’ Work for the Private SectorWork, Employment and Society334596-612
Jenkins, Jean2017Hands Not Wanted: Closure, and the Moral Economy of Protest, Treorchy, South WalesHistorical Studies in Industrial Relations381-36
Jenkins, Jean & P. Blyton2017In Debt to the Time-Bank: The Manipulation of Working Time in Indian Garment Factories and ‘Working Dead HorseWork, Employment and Society31190-105
Morgan, Glenn, H. Doering & M. Gomes2020Extending Varieties of Capitalism to Emerging Economies: What Can We Learn From Brazil?New Political Economy
Barraud de Lagerie, Pauline & L. Sigalo Santos2018For a Few Euros More. Microwork Crowdsourcing and the Commodification of TimeRéseaux3621251-84
Barraud de Lagerie, Pauline, É. Béthoux, A. Mias & E. Penalva-IcherLa mise en œuvre du devoir de vigilance : une managérialisation de la loi ?Droit et société
Barraud de Lagerie, Pauline, A. Mias, C. Phé & L. Servel2020L’accord d’entreprise mondial, instrument de politiques pour les groupes transnationauxLa Revue de l’IRES101-10261-82
Coutu, Michel & et J. Bourgault2020Air Canada, l’impartition de l’entretien et le déclin de la citoyenneté au travail dans la grande entreprise : un regard sociojuridiqueCahiers de droit613621-646
Yang, Weiguo, K. Nawakitphaitoon, W. Huang, B. Harney, P.J. Gollan & C.Y. Xu2019Towards Better Work in ChinA: Mapping the Relationships Between High-Performance Work Systems, Trade Unions, and Employee Well-BeingAsia Pacific Journal of Human Resources574553-576
Wright, Chris F., A.J. Wood, J. Trevor, C. McLaughlin, W. Huang, B. Harney, T. Geelan, B. Colfer, C. Chang & W. Brown2018Towards a New Web of Rules: An International Review of Institutional Experimentation to Strengthen Employment ProtectionsEmployee Relations412313-330
Xiaoyu Huang, L. Zhang, W. Huang, J. Zhu, M. Van Wart & G. Qin 2019The Emerging Approaches to Settle Strikes in ChinaLabour & Industry294370-385
Huang, Wei & W. WeiÀ paraîtreBalancing Working Time Flexibility and Labour Protection: A Comparative Analysis of Working Time Arrangements in European Union, the United Kingdom, Japan, and SingaporeComparative Economic & Social Systems
Bartram, Timothy, D. Adam, T. Edwards, P. Jalette, J. Burgess & P. Stanton2019A Comparison of Contemporary HRM and ER Practices of Japanese and US MNC Subsidiaries: Evidence From Four CountriesRelations industrielles / Industrial Relations744742-779
Ozkan, Umut R.2019The Origins of Severance Pay in Unemployment Compensation : A Comparative AnalysisLabour History604351-371
Ozkan, Umut R.2017The Dualisation of Unemployment Compensation in Emerging Economies: Brazil, China and RussiaJournal of International and Comparative Social Policy333261-281
Ozkan, Umut R.2017Translating from Multiple Sources: Labour Legislation Reform in TurkeyInternational Labour Review1562287-302
Ozkan, Umut R.2020Réglementations professionnelles et reconnaissance des qualifications de pharmaciens formés à l’étrangerDiversité Urbaine
Ozkan, Umut R.2020Mandatory Occupational Welfare: Severance Pay as an Unemployment Compensation InstrumentSocial Policy & Administration54128-44
Ozkan, Umut R.2018Foreign Qualification Recognition Regimes for Internationally-Trained Professionals: The Case of PharmacistsJournal of International Migration & Integration192362-389
Duplessis, Isabelle2018Raison d’être et perspectives d’avenir de l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT) à l’aube de son centenaireRevue générale de droit482391-443
Batt, Rosemary, J. Kallas & E. Appelbaum2020Path Dependency Versus Social Unionism in Healthcare: Bringing Employers Back InWork and Occupations473406-436
Batt, Rosemary & E. Appelbaum2020The Agency Costs of Private Equity: Why do Limited Partners Still Invest? Academy of Management Perspectives
Vincent, Steve, G.J. Bamber, R. Delbridge, V. Doellgast, J. Grady & I. GrugulisforthcomingSituating Human Resource Management in the Political EconomyHuman Resource Management Journal
Doellgast, Virginia, M. Bellego & E. Pannini2020After the Social Crisis: TheTransformation of Employment Relations at France TélécomSocio-Economic Review
Doellgast, Virginia & D. Marsden2019Institutions as Constraints and Resources: Explaining Cross-national Divergence in Performance Management.Human Resource Management Journal292199-216
Weaver, Russell2020A High Road for the 21st CenturyThe Solutions Journal113118-122
Abdelnour, Sarah & S. Bernard 2019Communauté professionnelle et destin commun. Les ressorts contrastés de la mobilisation collective des chauffeurs de VTCTerrains et travaux13491-114
Abdelnour, Sarah & S. Bernard2019Devenir syndicaliste malgré soi. La socialisation militante en tension des chauffeurs de VTC mobilisésPolitix412865-90
Bernard, Sophie & S. Abdelnour 2018Vers un capitalisme de plateforme ? Mobiliser le travail, contourner les régulationsLa nouvelle revue du travail13
Bernard, Sophie, S. Abdelnour & J. Gros2017Genre et travail indépendant. Divisions sexuées et place des femmes dans le non-salariatTravail et emploi21505-23
Daugareilh, Isabelle2020The Legal Status of Platform Workers in FranceComparative Labor Law Journal and Policy
Daugareilh, Isabelle2020Der Widerstand Der Französischen Richter Gegen Die Sirenen Der Uberisierung Der WirtschaftArbeit und Recht9352-358
Daugareilh, Isabelle2020El Trabajo en la Nueva Economia : Qué Respuestas Aporta El Derecho Social Internacional ?Temas Laborales151219-240
Auzero, Gilles2019Le système de participation des travailleurs dans l’entreprise privée en FranceRevue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale3118-125
Auzero, Gilles, I. Daugareilh & M. Coutu2019Les droits de participation des travailleursRevue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale35-13
Montalban, Matthieu, V. Frigant & B. Jullien2019Plaform Economy As A New Form of Capitalism: A Regulationist Research ProgrammeCambridge Journal of Economics432805-824
Jullien, Bernard & C. Dutertre2019De la transformation numérique rêvée d’une industrie à sa transformation -numérique réelle : le cas de l’entretien et de la réparation automobileRevue d’économie industrielle168103-129
Thomas, HuwForthcomingA “Decent Cuppa”: Worker Power and Consumer Power in the Sri Lankan Tea Sector’British Journal of Industrial Relations
Thomas, Huw & P. TurnbullForthcomingFrom a ‘Moral Commentator’ to a ‘Determined Actor’? How the International Labour Organization (Ilo) Orchestrates the Field of International Industrial RelationsBritish Journal of Industrial Relations
Thomas, Huw & P. TurnbullsubmitNavigating the Perilous Waters of Partisan Scholarship: Participatory Action Research (Par) With the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF)Work, Employment & Society
Thomas, Huw & P. Turnbull2018From horizontal to vertical labour governance: The International Labour Organization (ILO) and decent work in global supply chainsHuman Relations714536-559
Turnbull, PeterSubmitLighten the load – have your say’: evidence-based representation (EBR) for European bus and coach driversTransfer
Coiquaud, Urwana & L. Morissette À paraîtreLa « fabrique réglementaire » autour de l’arrivée d’UberRelations industrielles / Industrial Relations
Coiquaud, Urwana2019Uber et la réglementation canadienne : état de la jurisprudenceRevue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale282-89
Bisom-Rapp, Susan & U. Coiquaud2017The Role of the State Towards the Grey Zone of Employment: Eyes on Canada and the United StatesRevue Interventions économiques58
Emilien, Stephanie-Blandine, C. Lévesque, L. Morissette & S. Pérez-Lauzon2019La contribution des institutions régionales à la gestion des talents: Regards sur la grappe aérospatial de MontréalRelations industrielles / Industrial Relations743473-497
González-Menéndez, Maria, D. Luque Balbona, G. Pruneda & P. Almond2018Embedding Multinational Firms in Regional Business Systems: Neoliberal and Social-Democratic Models in SpainIndustrial Relations Journal49150-69
Almond, Phil, M. González Menéndez, J. Lavelle & G. Murray2017The Local in the Global: Regions, Employment Systems and MultinationalsIndustrial Relations Journal482115-132
Tang, C., W. Yang & F. Wang2020Research on the Employment Effect of China’s Capacity-Reduction PolicyMacroeconomics
He, J., W. Yang & X. Dong2019Literature Review on the Measurement of Human Capital With the Lifetime Income ApproachStudies in Labor Economics
Tang, L., F. Yang & W. Yang2019Research on the Influence Mechanism of Employees’ Political Skills on Promotion OpportunitiesBusiness Management Journal
Yang, Y., W. Yang & F. Li2019Review and Prospect of China’s Employment Elasticity Research Since the Reform and Opening-UpReform of Economic System
Yang, Weiguo & N. Zhou2019Western Comparative Industrial Relations Theory: Development and ChallengeTeaching and Research
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Zhang, C. & W. Yang2018New Measurement of Occupational Gender Segregation in the Transitional Period of China’s Labour Market – Based on K-M Decomposition MethodPopulation and Development
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Yang, Weiguo, C. Zhang & Q. Xin2018Paradigm of Digital Economy and the Change of Employment RelationshipJournal of Chinese University of Labor Relations
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