9-12 July 2025

2025 SASE Conference
Palais des Congrès, Montréal, Canada

Network K: Institutional Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

Since 2015, CRIMT holds an annual conference (Network K conference) within the framework of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE). Network K aims to foster exchanges on organizational and institutional experimentation and its power to improve (or deteriorate) work. Network K will hold 26 workshops focused on the theme of organizational and institutional experimentation at the 2025 conference.

24-26 October 2024

CRIMT International Conference
HEC Montréal, Canada

Work on the Brink. Better Work for a Just and Sustainable Future

The CRIMT Partnership Project on Institutional Experimentation for Better Work organized a major international conference entitled: Work on the Brink: Better Work for a Just and Sustainable Future. This conference examined the disruptions and crises affecting the world of work, addressed their consequences, and critically assessed the strategies, policies and actions implemented by world-of-work actors to support, mitigate, or counter these effects.
This conference took place at HEC Montréal (Montréal, Canada) from Thursday October 24th to Saturday October 26th, 2024. It aimed to engage researchers from the academic community and professionals from the world of work, and included a hybrid component to facilitate remote participation.

27-29 June 2024

2024 SASE Conference
University of Limerick – Limerick, Ireland

Network K: Institutional Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

Since 2015, CRIMT holds an annual conference (Network K conference) within the framework of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE). Network K aims to foster exchanges on organizational and institutional experimentation and its power to improve (or deteriorate) work. At the 2024 conference, Network K hosted 19 workshops on the theme of organisation and institutional experimentation.

20-22 July 2023

2023 SASE Conference
Windsor Florida Hotel, Rio de Janeiro

Network K: Institutional Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

Since 2015, CRIMT holds an annual conference (Network K conference) within the framework of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE). Network K aims to foster exchanges on organizational and institutional experimentation and its power to improve (or deteriorate) work. At the 2023 conference, Network K hosted 10 workshops on the theme of organisation and institutional experimentation.

27-29 October 2022

CRIMT International Conference
HEC Montréal, Canada

Better Work for a Better Society. Actor Resilience and the Power of Experimentation

Over the past few decades, significant changes have been disrupting the world of work: digital technologies, the breakdown of corporate boundaries, the reshaping of global supply chains, climate change, global pandemic outbreaks, shifts in identities and values, political unrest, resurgence of geopolitical tensions, and changes in public policy, to name only a few.
Such changes are having widespread and profound effects, which in a lot of cases seem out of synch with the aspirations for better work, by which we mean productive, innovative, healthy and inclusive work, in which individuals live free from excessive insecurity, unaccountable control over their working lives, conflicts between personal and professional life, and can express their voice individually and collectively. These effects are not conducive to achieving better, more just, peaceful, sustainable, open and democratic societies.
However, these disruptions also open the way to various forms of experimentation, reflecting the resilience and mobilization of actors in the world of work. The challenge is to describe, analyze and compare these experimentations – including those conducted in response to the major challenges of our time (for example, geopolitical tensions, Covid-19 or the climate crisis) – in order to better understand how certain actors or groups of actors are able to appropriate, mobilize and transform institutions of regulation in favour of an improvement (or deterioration) in the quality of work, or the societies in which these experimentations are carried out. We need to draw lessons from these experiences.

It is with that in mind that the CRIMT International Partnership Project on Institutional Experimentation for Better Work, which brings together the Interuniversity Research Centre on Globalization and Work(CRIMT) and an international network of associated partner centres and researchers, hosts a conference on BETTER WORK FOR A BETTER SOCIETY: Actor Resilience and the Power of Experimentation

This conference took place at HEC Montréal (Montreal, Canada) from Thursday, October 27th to Saturday, October 29th 2022. The conference was held in person and included a hybrid component to encourage some level of remote participation.

9-11 July 2022

2022 SASE Conference
University of Amsterdam

Network K: Institutional Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

Since 2015, CRIMT holds an annual conference (Network K conference) within the framework of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE). Network K aims to foster exchanges on organizational and institutional experimentation and its power to improve (or deteriorate) work. At the 2022 conference, Network K hosted 17 workshops on the theme of organisation and institutional experimentation.

2-5 July 2021

2021 SASE Conference
Virtual Conference

Network K: Institutional Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

Since 2015, CRIMT holds an annual conference (Network K conference) within the framework of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE). Network K aims to foster exchanges on organizational and institutional experimentation and its power to improve (or deteriorate) work. At the 2021 conference, Network K hosted 9 workshops on the theme of organisation and institutional experimentation.

26-28 May 2021

58th Annual Conference of the Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA)

Better Work I & II: Understanding What Makes Work Better or Worse. CRIMT and its partnership project on institutional experimentation for better work CIRA workshops

CRIMT, in collaboration with the Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA), held two roundtables entitled Work: For Better or for Worse at the Association’s 2021 Conference.

Bringing together ten members of the CRIMT Partnership Project, these roundtables provided an opportunity to discuss how to think about better and worse work. Each panel featured the ideas of four researchers who drew on their research findings to address the issue.

The panelists answered a series of questions from a common grid covering three constituent dimensions of work: risk, whether economic, health or social; control or autonomy, i.e. the ability to exercise control over one’s work and its limits in relation to other aspects of one’s life outside of work; and expressiveness, i.e. the dimensions that relate to voice, as well as to the possibility of achieving one’s potential at work.

Roundtable 1 [with simultaneous interpretation]

Moderator : Mélanie Laroche (Université de Montréal)

Philippe Barré (Université de Montréal)
Le travail des artistes professionnel.le.s au Québec
Louise Boivin (Université du Québec en Outaouais)
Le travail du ‘care’ rémunéré dans le secteur privé au Québec
Urwana Coiquaud (HEC Montréal)
Le travail sur plateformes numériques au Québec : le cas de UBER
Dalia Gesualdi-Fecteau (UQAM)
Le travail des ouvrier.è.s sylvicoles au Québec

Roundtable 2

Moderator : Gregor Murray (Université de Montréal)

Mat Johnson (University of Manchester)
Valeria Pulignano (KU Leuven)
Jim Stanford (Centre for Future Work)
Olga Tregaskis (University of East Anglia)

For those who did not have the opportunity to attend the CIRA conference, or for those who attended and would like to see it again, we are pleased to make the full recording of both sessions available on our YouTube channel.

We also invite you to visit the multimedia section of this site to see more recordings of events.

18-21 July 2020

2020 SASE Conference
Virtual Conference

Network K: Institutional Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

Since 2015, CRIMT holds an annual conference (Network K conference) within the framework of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE). Network K aims to foster exchanges on organizational and institutional experimentation and its power to improve (or deteriorate) work. At the 2020 conference (start of the pandemic), Network K hosted 4 workshops on the theme of organisation and institutional experimentation.

24-27 June 2020

ILERA 10th Regional Congress for the Americas
Virtual Conference

Special Colloquium : CRIMT Partnership Project on Institutional Experimentation for Better (or Worse) Work

Organized jointly by the Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA), Ryerson University Ted Rogers School of Management and ILERA, in association with numerous partners, including CRIMT, ILERA’s 10th Congress for the Americas aimed to provide a space for the study of work and employment from a global, multidisciplinary perspective, firmly rooted in the reality of workplaces and open to the diversity of ideas, interests and points of view as well as to critical thinking.

CRIMT held a special colloquium (6 workshops) mobilising the work of several coresearchers and student members of its Partnership Project on Institutional Experimentation for Better (or Worse) Work.

13-16 June 2020

LERA 72nd Annual Meeting
Virtual Conference

CRIMT Symposium: Institutional Experimentation for Better (or Worse) Work

The annual meeting of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) aims to provide an open forum for labour researchers and practitioners to meet and discuss the latest issues affecting the world of work and employment. CRIMT held a symposium entitled Institutional Experimentation at Work: For Better or Worse in the context of the 2020 meeting.

27-29 June 2019

2019 SASE Conference
The New School – New York City, USA

Network K: Institutional Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

Since 2015, CRIMT holds an annual conference (Network K conference) within the framework of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE). Network K aims to foster exchanges on organizational and institutional experimentation and its power to improve (or deteriorate) work. At the 2019 conference, Network K hosted 16 workshops on the theme of organisation and institutional experimentation.

5-7 June 2019

56th CIRA Congress
UBC Sauder School of Business

Special Colloquium : Institutional Experimentation for Better Work

The 56th Congress of the Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA) aimed to share studies on work and employment from a holistic, multidisciplinary perspective, firmly rooted in the reality of workplaces and open to a diversity of ideas, interests and points of view as well as critical thinking.

CRIMT held a special colloquium (4 workshops) mobilising the work of several coresearchers and student members of its Partnership Project on Institutional Experimentation for Better (or Worse) Work.

12-14 February 2019

33rd AIRAANZ Annual Congress
RMIT University

Special Colloquium : Experimentation for better work

The theme of the 33rd Congress of the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (Global Work, Quality Work?) invited researchers and practitioners in the world of work to examine the dilemmas arising from growing disparities in the quality of jobs, particularly in the context of the rapidly changing landscape of global capitalism, labour regulation, labour migration and movements.

CRIMT held a special colloquium (3 workshops) mobilising the work of several coresearchers and student members of its Partnership Project on Institutional Experimentation for Better (or Worse) Work.

23-25 June 2018

2018 SASE Conference
Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan

Network K: Institutional Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

Since 2015, CRIMT holds an annual conference (Network K conference) within the framework of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE). Network K aims to foster exchanges on organizational and institutional experimentation and its power to improve (or deteriorate) work. At the 2018 Conference, Network K hosted 11 workshops on the theme of experimentation within the framework of the 2018 conference.

25-27 October 2018

CRIMT International Conference
HEC Montréal, Canada

What Kind of Work for the Future? Perturbations, expérimentations et re-régulation

This conference offered original contributions from academics and practitioners on two related themes: changes that disrupt the world of work and lead to the re-regulation of work and employment, and the forms of organisational and institutional experimentation that underpin or accompany these processes of change and re-regulation. Bringing together four panels of international specialists, more than 250 researchers from 21 countries in some 40 thematic workshops, followed by a one-day Community Forum, this conference brought together some of the world’s leading experts on work and employment.

29 June – 1 July 2017

2017 SASE Conference
Université de Lyon, Lyon, France

SASE Mini-Conference: Disruption and Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

CRIMT’s mini-conferences at SASE (2015-2017) helped refine CRIMT’s research programme on organisational and institutional experimentation for better (or worse) work. The Lyon mini-conference included 11 workshops on the theme of experimentation.