As part of its Partnership Project (funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada), CRIMT’s governing bodies interact with a Partner Board (composed of CRIMT researchers in Quebec and outside of Quebec), as well as an Executive Committee.
Partner Board
The key decisional body for the CRIMT Partnership Project is the Partner Board, which is made up of a representative from each of the Partner Centres and two representatives from the Graduate Student Consortium. Members of the Partner Board are designated by the Partner Centres according to their internal governance arrangements. Ex officio representatives include the chair (the Université de Montréal Project Director, Gregor Murray) and co-chair (the project co-director, Christian Lévesque from HEC Montréal). Other ex officio representatives are drawn from Advisory Committees, the Steering Committee and CRIMT professional staff from the Management Committee.
The Partner Board meets virtually or physically once or twice a year, around full-team meetings and international conferences, ensuring the involvement of all Partner Centres in decision-making. It designates membership of key Standing Committees on specific mandates (methodology, knowledge transfer, ethics, student funding). The Partner Board makes decisions on the main guidelines and orientations for the Project, including resource allocation. The Executive Committee and the Management Committee can make recommendations to the Partner Board.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of the CRIMT and Partnership Project director and co-director, four Partner Centre representatives from three different geographical regions chosen by the Partner Board, and, ex officio, the professional staff assigned to the project. The Partner Board designates the Partner Board representatives on the Executive Committee for a mandate of two years. The Executive Committee meets a minimum of three times a year.
CRIMT’s Management Committee, which is made up of the CRIMT and Partnership Director and Co-director and the coordinating staff including the Project Coordinator (Nicolas Roby) and the Activity Coordinator (Marjorie Gionest-Larouche), ensures the daily operation of the Project.